
Technology News from Dynamic Alliance

January, 2024

DATech Times Bulletin

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Enhancing Your Network Security and Maintenance for a Resilient Business

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, enhancing network security and maintenance is paramount to safeguarding businesses against a myriad of cyber threats. A proactive approach to network security involves staying abreast of the latest threat intelligence. By continuously analyzing and understanding emerging risks, businesses can fortify their defenses and preemptively address vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

Read on to learn more about Network Security and Maintenance and the following topics:

  1. MFA
  2. Security Auditing
  3. Remote Monitoring Tools
  4. Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan

Multi-Factor Authentication
Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a crucial step in bolstering access control. In a world where passwords alone may not suffice, MFA adds an additional layer of security, requiring users to verify their identity through multiple means. Whether through biometrics, smart cards, or one-time passcodes, MFA significantly raises the bar for unauthorized access. Businesses embracing MFA not only enhance their security posture, but also instill a culture of vigilance among users, fostering a collective commitment to cybersecurity.

Security Auditing
Conducting regular security audits is an indispensable practice in maintaining a resilient network infrastructure. These audits, often conducted by cybersecurity professionals, delve deep into the network architecture, identifying potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. By addressing these issues promptly, businesses can shore up their defenses, creating a proactive shield against potential cyber threats. Security audits not only serve as a diagnostic tool but also as a strategic investment in the long-term security and stability of the organization’s digital assets.

Remote Monitoring Tools
In the realm of network maintenance, proactive monitoring emerges as a linchpin for identifying and mitigating issues before they escalate. Remote monitoring tools provide real-time visibility into the health and performance of the network., This continuous oversight allows IT teams to detect anomalies, unusual patterns, or potential security breaches promptly. The ability to respond swiftly to emerging issues is instrumental in maintaining a secure and resilient network infrastructure.

Effective patch management compliments proactive monitoring by ensuring that all software and systems are up to date with the latest security patches. Cybercriminals often exploit known vulnerabilities, making timely patching a critical line of defense. Regularly updating software not only mitigates the risk of exploitation, but also demonstrates a commitment to ongoing cybersecurity hygiene.

Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan
A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is vital for business resilience in times of crisis. This comprehensive strategy involves identifying critical assets and data through rigorous risk assessments, enabling businesses to prioritize recovery efforts effectively. A well-thought-out plan ensures that, in the face of unforeseen events, business operations can swiftly resume with minimal downtime. Regular data backups act as a safety net, protecting against data loss and providing a mechanism for swift recovery.

The Journey Ahead
The journey towards enhancing network security and maintenance involves a multifaceted approach. From staying informed through threat intelligence to implementing advanced authentication methods, conducting security audits, and embracing proactive monitoring and maintenance practices, businesses can establish a robust cybersecurity framework. These measures collectively contribute to fostering a secure digital environment, empowering businesses to thrive in an era where cyber threats are a constant reality.

November, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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Unveiling the Power of SentinelOne: A New Era in Endpoint Security

In a digital landscape constantly under siege from cyber threats, the need for robust endpoint security has never been more critical. Enter SentinelOne, a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution that has been making waves in the industry for its innovative approach to protecting endpoints from a multitude of threats.

Read on to learn more about SentinelOne and the following topics:

  1. Industry Leading Endpoint Security
  2. Behavioral AI for Advanced Threat Prevention
  3. Automated Response and Mitigation
  4. Complete Visibility and Forensics

Revolutionizing Endpoint Security
At the heart of SentinelOne’s prowess lies its autonomous endpoint protection platform. Unlike traditional antivirus solutions that rely on signature-based detection, SentinelOne leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to autonomously detect, prevent, and respond to a wide array of threats. This proactive approach enables real-time threat detection and mitigation, ensuring that organizations can stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries.

Behavioral AI for Advanced Threat Prevention
SentinelOne’s Behavioral AI is a game-changer in the realm of endpoint security. By continuously learning and adapting to the unique behaviors of users and devices, this technology can identify and thwart even the most sophisticated attacks, including zero-day exploits and fileless malware. The ability to recognize malicious behavior, rather than just known malware signatures, sets SentinelOne apart in an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly elusive.

Automated Response and Mitigation
In the face of a cyber threat, time is of the essence. SentinelOne's automated response capabilities empower organizations to respond to incidents in real-time. Whether it’s isolating compromised endpoints, remediating threats or rolling back system changes, SentinelOne ensure a swift and effective response without the need for human intervention. This not only minimizes the impact of a security incident but also frees up valuable resources within IT teams.

Complete Visibility and Forensics
Understanding the full scope of a security incident is crucial for effective response and prevention. SentinelOne provides comprehensive visibility into endpoint activities, enabling security teams to conduct detailed forensic analyses. This visibility extends across the entire attack lifecycle, from initial compromise to lateral movement, facilitating thorough investigations and proactive security measures.

The Road Ahead
As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, SentinelOne remains at the forefront of innovation. Their commitment to staying ahead of emerging threats and providing organizations with state-of-the-art endpoint protections positions them as a key player in the cybersecurity arena. With its advanced capabilities, autonomous detection and swift response mechanisms, SentinelOne is shaping a new era in endpoint security - one where organizations can navigate the digital landscape with confidence, knowing that their endpoints are fortified against the ever-present threat of cyber adversaries.

Want to learn more about SentinelOne? Give us a call at (860) 701-0058 or email us for more information.

October, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month Protecting the Digital Frontier

In our increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity awareness has become a paramount concern. With the proliferation of digital devices, online services, and the vast amount of personal and sensitive data that is stored and transmitted through the internet, the importance of understanding and practicing cybersecurity cannot be overstated. This newsletter will explore the significance of cybersecurity awareness, its challenges, and the steps individuals and organizations can take to enhance their cyber defenses.

Significance of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity awareness is crucial because it directly impacts our privacy, financial well-being, and even national security. The digital realm has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate, making us more vulnerable to a wide range of cyber threats, such as data breaches, identity theft, ransomware attacks, and more. These threats can result in substantial financial losses and damage to one's reputation. On a larger scale, state-sponsored cyberattacks can disrupt critical infrastructure and jeopardize national security.

Challenges of Cybersecurity
However, despite the escalating cyber threats, many individuals and organizations lack the necessary awareness and knowledge to protect themselves effectively. One of the primary challenges is the evolving nature of cyber threats. Hackers continuously develop new tactics, making it difficult for individuals and organizations to keep up. Moreover, there is often a lack of motivation to invest in cybersecurity measures until a breach occurs, even though proactive prevention is significantly more cost-effective.

Tips to Address Challenges
To address these challenges, fostering cybersecurity awareness is essential. This involves educating individuals about the potential risks they face online and the steps they can take to mitigate these risks. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  1. Password Hygiene: Encouraging strong, unique passwords for each online account, along with the use of two-factor authentication, can significantly enhance security.
  2. Phishing Awareness: Training individuals to recognize phishing emails and messages is vital to prevent falling victim to scams.
  3. Software Updates: Regularly updating software and devices to patch known vulnerabilities is a simple but effective security measure.
  4. Data Encryption: Emphasizing the importance of encrypting sensitive data, especially when it's transmitted online, helps protect against eavesdropping.
  5. Secure Browsing Habits: Educating individuals about the risks associated with visiting untrustworthy websites and downloading files from unverified sources is crucial.
  6. Social Engineering Awareness: Understanding the tactics that social engineers use to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information can help prevent attacks.
  7. Incident Response: Having a well-defined plan for responding to a cyber incident is critical to minimize damage in case of a breach.

For organizations, cybersecurity awareness extends beyond individual practices to include comprehensive security policies, employee training, and the implementation of robust cybersecurity measures. Additionally, governments and regulatory bodies play a role in setting standards and enforcing cybersecurity best practices.

Cybersecurity awareness is an indispensable component of our digital age. It empowers individuals and organizations to defend against cyber threats and protect their data and assets. By educating individuals about the risks and best practices, we can create a safer online environment. However, the landscape of cybersecurity is continually evolving, and the commitment to ongoing education and adaptation is crucial to staying ahead of malicious actors. Ultimately, by working together to raise awareness and strengthen our digital defenses, we can ensure a more secure and resilient digital frontier.

Education: Customizing Learning
The education sector is embracing AI and machine learning to customize learning experiences. These technologies power personalized learning platforms that adapt content and pacing to individual student needs. Additionally, chatbots provide instant student support, and automated grading streamlines assessment processes. Ethical concerns in education include data privacy, as institutions must responsibly handle student data. Ensuring fairness in algorithmic grading and transparent communication about AI's role in education are also critical considerations.

Have questions about how you can be more cyber secure? Give us a call at (860) 701-0058 or email us for more information.

September, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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AI and ML in Various Industries

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as transformative forces, reshaping industries across the board. From healthcare to finance, transportation to retail, these intelligent technologies are finding applications that were once considered science fiction, ushering in breakthroughs that hold the promise of unparalleled progress and efficiency. Yet, as we embark on this journey into an AI-driven future, it's crucial to navigate the path with a vigilant eye on ethical considerations, ensuring that these powerful tools are wielded responsibly, fairly, and transparently. In this exploration, we embark on a journey through the diverse applications, groundbreaking achievements, and the ethical compass guiding AI and ML adoption in various industries.

Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Care
In healthcare, the applications of AI and machine learning are transforming the way we diagnose and treat diseases. AI-powered diagnostic tools are becoming increasingly accurate, enabling early detection of conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Breakthroughs in medical imaging, using deep learning algorithms, have allowed for the identification of abnormalities in X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with unprecedented precision. However, ethical considerations abound in healthcare, particularly concerning patient data privacy and the potential for algorithmic biases to affect diagnosis and treatment recommendations. It's essential to strike a balance between technological advancement and maintaining patient trust and safety.

Finance: Redefining Financial Services
The financial industry is experiencing a digital revolution, with AI and machine learning at the forefront. These technologies are being used for fraud detection, where AI algorithms analyze vast datasets in real-time to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions. Additionally, algorithmic trading, powered by machine learning, can optimize investment strategies. Nevertheless, ethical considerations in finance are substantial, including concerns about algorithmic transparency and the potential for automated decisions to perpetuate biases. Ensuring fairness and data security is crucial to building trust in AI-driven financial services.

Transportation: Navigating the Future
In transportation, AI and machine learning have paved the way for autonomous vehicles, revolutionizing the way we travel. Self-driving cars, a major breakthrough, rely on machine learning models to navigate and make real-time decisions on the road. Predictive analytics also play a role in traffic prediction and route optimization, reducing congestion and fuel consumption. However, safety remains a paramount concern, and addressing ethical dilemmas, such as determining how autonomous vehicles make decisions in critical situations, is an ongoing challenge.

Retail: Personalizing Shopping Experiences
The retail industry is leveraging AI and machine learning to provide highly personalized shopping experiences. Recommendation engines, powered by machine learning algorithms, analyze customer behavior to suggest products tailored to individual preferences. This breakthrough enhances the shopping experience and boosts sales. Ethical considerations here center on data privacy, as retailers must ensure that customer data is protected and used responsibly. Balancing personalized service with privacy is essential to maintain customer trust.

Manufacturing: Boosting Efficiency
In manufacturing, AI and machine learning are improving efficiency and reducing downtime. Predictive maintenance, a notable application, uses AI to analyze equipment data and predict when maintenance is needed, preventing costly breakdowns. Automation and robotics are also on the rise, enhancing productivity. However, ethical considerations revolve around workforce displacement. It's vital for manufacturers to invest in reskilling and upskilling their workforce to mitigate job losses and ensure a smooth transition to automated processes.

Education: Customizing Learning
The education sector is embracing AI and machine learning to customize learning experiences. These technologies power personalized learning platforms that adapt content and pacing to individual student needs. Additionally, chatbots provide instant student support, and automated grading streamlines assessment processes. Ethical concerns in education include data privacy, as institutions must responsibly handle student data. Ensuring fairness in algorithmic grading and transparent communication about AI's role in education are also critical considerations.

Energy: Greening the Grid
AI and machine learning are playing a pivotal role in the energy sector's transition to sustainability. Grid optimization algorithms balance energy supply and demand efficiently, reducing waste and carbon emissions. Renewable energy management systems leverage predictive analytics to maximize the generation of clean energy. Ethical considerations center on transparency in energy management decisions and the environmental impact of AI-driven decisions.

Legal and Compliance: Streamlining Legal Processes
In the legal and compliance sector, AI and machine learning are streamlining processes such as document review, legal research, and contract analysis. These technologies can quickly sift through vast volumes of documents, aiding legal professionals in their work. Ethical considerations encompass maintaining accuracy and fairness in AI-assisted legal decisions and ensuring data privacy during legal proceedings.

In each of these industries, the applications and breakthroughs brought about by AI and machine learning hold great promise. However, addressing ethical considerations is essential to harness the full potential of these technologies while maintaining trust and fairness within society.

Interested in delving deeper into the realms of AI and machine learning? Give us a call at (860) 701-0058 or email us for more information.

August, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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Is there a difference between memory and storage?

When buying a new computer or phone, there are tons of terms that may be thrown at you, such as SSD, HDD, ram, CPU, etc. In the world of tech, these terms are widely known, but for some people, these abbreviations may confuse them and have them questioning whether a laptop or desktop is a good choice or not.

So what do these terms refer to?

Depending on what abbreviation you’re looking at, they could be referring to what’s called memory or storage.

So, what’s the difference between memory and storage on a new workstation?

Memory or RAM is where the computer stores the information it’s currently using. It makes it so that the CPU, or central processing unit, has almost instantaneous access to all of the information there, no matter where it is actually stored. It’s designed to keep your computer or smartphone working fast, depending on the amount of RAM your system has. The more RAM in the system, the faster it will be. When a computer turns off, memory loses data, making it temporary and volatile.

Storage is where your computer or your smartphone stores information permanently. This allows your information to be easily accessible and includes your pictures, documents, text messages and music that you have saved. Smartphones and most computers use SSDs, or solid-state drives, which store information using transmitters that can maintain a charge even when they are turned off. Some older computers may use HDDs, or Hard disk drives. HDDs have a physical platter where information is stored.

For the most part, SSDs are faster than HDDs since there are no moving parts. You may get an instant boost in performance if you were to upgrade your HDD to an SSD.

Now that we know what the difference is between memory and storage, buying a new smartphone or computer will be a breeze.

Have a question about whether a computer may be a good buy or not or just want some clarification on an IT term you aren’t familiar with? Give us a call at (860) 701-0058 or email us for more information.

June, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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What is Data Loss and how much does it cost?

Data loss refers to the unintentional or accidental destruction, corruption, or loss of data stored on digital devices or systems. It occurs when data becomes inaccessible, unreadable, or permanently deleted, leading to its irretrievable loss.

Data loss can happen due to various reasons, including hardware or software failures, human errors, malware or ransomware attacks, natural disasters, power outages, theft, or intentional deletion.

Data loss can have significant consequences, including financial losses, legal issues, operational disruptions, reputational damage, and the loss of valuable or sensitive information. It highlights the importance of implementing data backup strategies, using data recovery techniques, and maintaining robust security measures to minimize the risk of data loss and ensure data integrity.

The cost of data loss can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size and type of organization, the extent of the data loss, the nature of the data, and the industry in which the organization operates. Here are some of the potential costs associated with data loss.

  1. Lost productivity: When data is lost, it can result in downtime and interruptions to business operations. Employees may be unable to access critical information, leading to decreased productivity and delayed projects.
  2. Data recovery and restoration: Attempting to recover lost data can be a complex and costly process. It may require specialized expertise and the use of data recovery services or software.
  3. Re-creating or re-collecting data: In some cases, lost data may need to be re-created or re-collected, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  4. Financial impact: Data loss can have direct financial implications, such as lost sales, missed business opportunities, or contractual penalties. It can also result in the loss of intellectual property, trade secrets, or sensitive customer information, leading to potential legal and regulatory costs.
  5. Reputational damage: Data breaches or data loss incidents can erode customer trust and damage a company's reputation. Rebuilding trust and recovering from reputational damage can be challenging and may require additional investments in marketing and public relations efforts.
  6. Regulatory non-compliance penalties: Depending on the industry and geographical location, organizations may be subject to data protection regulations and face penalties for failing to safeguard customer data adequately.

It is difficult to estimate an exact cost of data loss as it varies from case to case. However, studies and surveys have shown that data loss incidents can be extremely costly for organizations, ranging from thousands to millions of dollars, considering the direct and indirect expenses associated with data recovery, business disruption, legal actions, and reputational damage.

To mitigate the financial impact of data loss, organizations should invest in robust data backup solutions, implement effective data security measures, and develop a comprehensive incident response plan to minimize the risk and consequences of data loss incidents.

Visit us on Facebook for tips and tricks on how to manage data loss and other security awareness topics.

Give us a call at (860) 701-0058 if you have further questions on this topic.

April, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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How secure are your accounts?

Imagine you stay home from work and decide you want to get some work done so you aren’t overloaded when you get back. You plug in your login information for your Outlook and your emails pop up. Well, that was easy! Now, who’s to say you’re the only one trying to get into that account or even your computer? Hackers are constantly trying to one up all of our security measures. And if you don’t have any in place, then you’re essentially giving them your information for free.

With Multifactor Authentication, or MFA, you have an added security barrier blocking out the bad guys from stealing your information.

But know, not all MFA are created equal.

These same hackers are finding ways around certain MFA setups. An easy example is if you have MFA setup, but the prompts have you click yes or no to allow you in. With how fast paced the world is today, many people don’t have the luxury of time. So, when the prompt comes up and you just want to get it out of the way, you may push yes and unknowingly allow someone to access your account without your consent.

So, what MFAs are safe for you to use?

There are so many options out there today, but picking one that has you stop to think about what you’re doing is one of the safer options. Needing to type in a code or a password is a better way to secure your account against these hackers.

Not sure how to make your MFA more secure than it already is? Our team is happy to walk you through changing your MFA and security settings so that you have peace of mind knowing your accounts are safe.

Watch the video below made by our Engineer Brian Mayo to learn what he has to say about MFA.

Give us a call at (860) 701-0058 if you have further questions on this topic.

March, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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Security Awareness

With security being a top priority for most businesses, we want to take this month’s newsletter and discuss some ways to keep your business secure. Cybercriminals are developing new ways to steal your information, making it hard to know when or what they are going to do next. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your information in your hands.

  1. Setup a multi-factor authenticator app so that only you have access to your accounts. Don’t automatically click yes or no when it asks about a sign in. We know it may be a force of habit, but cybercriminals are now trying to sneak past the authentication when it is sent to your phone. Changing what kind of multi-factor authentication you use is a beneficial tool to help break the habit of accepting the authentication.
  2. Use a password manager to store your passwords. With this app, you have the ability to set highly encrypted passwords and store them away for future use. You no longer have to write them on a sticky note or save them on the webpages. Bitwarden is a great example of a password manager.
  3. Be careful about opening up emails. Always check for any signs it may be a phishing email. Use the SLAM method to evaluate emails. Not sure what that is? Give us a call and we can discuss it! Breach Secure Now is a great platform to learn about phishing emails and how to know if you are sent one.
  4. Did you know that if you hover over the sender in an email, it will show you who actually sent the email? This is a good way to figure out if the sender is legit or if you could possibly be looking at a phishing email. You can do the same thing for links, even if they say click here or are a button.
  5. Microsoft won’t call you to tell you something is wrong with your computer. If you get a call from someone that’s claiming to be from Microsoft, hang up. Do not give them your information.
  6. If a screen pops up on your computer saying there’s an issue or that there’s ransomware on your computer, shut your computer off and call your IT department. We will help you figure out if this is spam and what you should do to safely get rid of it.

Remember: If you ever have any reservations that there may be something wrong with your security or you need help determining if an email is real, give us a call at (860) 701-0058 so we can work with you to solve it.

February, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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Are you Cyber Smarter than a fifth grader?

Cybercrimes are becoming more and more common as the days go on. As technology improves and people become more aware of scams going around, cybercriminals are working on new ways to get your information. What you may hear today, may be irrelevant tomorrow.

Thankfully, there are many tips and tricks to help you stay vigilant and save your information from being bought and passed around. Find out some tips and tricks by clicking the button below and reading more about how to keep your information away from others. If you have any questions or concerns regarding how you may be affected by cyber scams, please reach out to us.

> Cyber Security Tips

January, 2023

DATech Times Bulletin

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Are you looking for an MVP?

With recent advances in technology and an increase of people working away from their desk, having equipment you can take on the go with you has become a necessity. Luckily for you, Dynamic Alliance has partnered with RingCentral to bring you a new solution to working from home or on the go.

RingCentral is an industry-leading platform for cloud communications, empowering organizations to streamline internal collaboration and better connect with their customers. From phone calls to texting and sending faxes, RingCentral has made it easy to communicate with your clients from anywhere at any time. Workers at remote locations or home offices are connected the same way employees working in the main corporate office are, with the RingCentral app. It can transform a mobile phone into a desk phone and powerful communications device with a few taps.

> Learn more about the features you can expect when you switch to RingCentral

RingCentral Fax

It may be a dying technology, but many businesses still use faxing capabilities to be HIPAA and other security agency compliant. With RingCentral fax, you can rest easier knowing cloud fax securely transmits over an encrypted internet connection.

Thanks to the cloud-based phone system, you can receive faxes anywhere at any time, send faxes online to groups, block faxes without caller ID, and receive fax notifications of all activity with ease from computers, cell phones and tablets. There’s no need to worry about being on the phone or loading paper into the printer, you’ll still seamlessly receive your fax messages through the mobile or desktop app.

> Take a peek to learn more about how RingCentral will benefit your business

December, 2022

DATech Times Bulletin

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Exploring Cybersecurity Opportunities

Do you know what phishing is? What about spoofing? Deepfakes? With the uptick in cybersecurity threats making themselves known, now is a good time to make employees of your business aware of potential threats a simple click on an email or link follow can have on the security of your business. Thankfully, Dynamic Alliance has partnered with Breach Secure Now to help train and bring awareness to avoid phishing, spoofing, and other cybersecurity threats.

Breach Secure Now, or BSN, is a partner focused business who works for the MSP community to provide clients with the most comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. Through Cybersecurity and HIPAA Compliance Training made easy to automate, support, and empower, employees can become the superhuman firewall every business needs. Weekly training is provided to businesses so that everyone can receive the power of knowledge on how to prevent cybersecurity threats from taking over the day to day of businesses. With automated phishing campaigns, you can find out who is most susceptible to these threats. The ongoing training programs and campaigns allow you get instant insight to your employees’ scores with the easy-to-understand Employee Secure Score (ESS).

Businesses are able to monitor the dark web through BSN to monitor what information has been compromised to ensure the safety of employees’ logins and information. Without continuous monitoring, new compromised employee data available on the dark web will go unnoticed, putting your employees and yourself in danger of dealing with a data breach. Compromised passwords increase the risk of external access to your employees' networks. Exposed personally identifiable information (PII) opens the door to convincing phishing attempts. With data breaches on the rise, unnoticed activity on the dark web puts organizations at risk. With real-time updates, detailed breached data, and remediation ready to deploy all at your fingertips, employees can stay secure and protected from the repercussions of data breaches.

Contact Dynamic Alliance today to learn more on how you can protect your business against Cybersecurity threats.

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