remote monitoring and troubleshooting help desk services
Dynamic Alliance's support services are designed to streamline the process from when an incident is first reported, until it is resolved. Our goal is to keep your employees operating as efficiently as possible with minimal downtime. We offer multiple points of contact for emergency situations and strive to minimize any impact to your business.
- Intelligent routing of service requests and assignment of appropriate priorities
- Provide you with access to the Dynamic Alliance self-service portal for reporting and prioritizing incidents
- Rapid in-house review of any infrastructure changes, outages, and equipment failures to help identify potential problems
- Seamlessly employ three key IT services: Remote Support, Monitoring, and Service Desk
The above help desk services can be provided on an hourly basis or through a variety of monthly subscription offerings. This is one of our most popular services with our customers! To learn more about the remote help desk services from Dynamic Alliance, please contact us.